Business Models - Page 4

Not sure what business model is right for you? Learn about the different types of business models from subscriptions to franchises and how to create your own.

Starting a Business

4 Vital Lessons This Tech Entrepreneur Learned To Build a $4 Billion Company

How Will Ahmed, the 34-year-old founder of WHOOP, outmaneuvered Nike, Google, and Fitbit in the wearable tech war.


3 Ways Founders Can Connect With Their Customers to Drive Sales

These strategies go beyond traditional sales techniques to foster deep, meaningful relationships that drive sales and help grow your online business through lasting loyalty and engagement.

Starting a Business

Why Notre Dame's Football Coach Tells His Team to "Choose Hard"

Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman discusses the powerful results that come when you push yourself to strive for greatness in all aspects of life.

Business Ideas

From $0 to $10 Million — Here's How to Build a Winning Prop Trading Team

Do you need to know what skill set is required to be a successful leader in one of the most rapidly changing niches in finance? This article sums up the recommendations of a "prop trading" pioneer.

More Posts on Business Models

Starting a Business

After Her Unexpected Layoff, This Founder's Love of Fragrances and Self-Care Helped Her Cope. Now She's Disrupting the Fragrance Industry.

As she continues to grow and scale her company, here's the advice Brianna Arps, CEO and founder of MOODEAUX, has to share with other aspiring entrepreneurs as she continues to grow and scale her company.

Business Models

Young Entrepreneurs Often Make These Tax Mistakes. Here's How to Avoid Them.

The right tax tactics and guidance may help you run a business and achieve your objectives more confidently.

Side Hustle

I Made Over $400,000 From a Side Hustle on Top of My 6-Figure Salary Last Year. I Love Diversified Income — and This Game-Changing Money-Saver.

When Chisom Okwulehie learned she wouldn't receive a merit-based pay bump during the pandemic, she took matters into her own hands.

Starting a Business

Does Your Brand Look too Corporate, or Dated? See How These Brands Leveled Up Their Design.

We live in a time when brands are more visible and visual than ever. Here, six founders explain how they created brand design that stands out.

Business Models

5 Industries That Will Most Likely Never Adopt a Subscription Model

Many industries are adopting a subscription model — but these five well-known industries will probably never make the full jump.

Starting a Business

These Four Words Can Change The Way You Approach Every Impossible Task

When a door closes, this is the question that opens a window.

Business Plans

Embrace Change or Miss Out On Money — 5 Trends to Know in Venture Capital This Year

The VC landscape is changing, and successful investors will be the ones who embrace the change and move with it.

Starting a Business

15 Weird and Wonderful Side Hustles You Never Knew Existed

Turns out there are all kinds of wacky ways to make extra cash. We found 15 people bringing in thousands of dollars on unexpected ventures, and they're happy to share the wealth.


6 Alternatives to Venture Capital You Need to Consider

Many first-time founders believe that venture capital is the only funding source for startups. In reality, many early-stage startups receive their initial funding from alternative sources. Here, we explore the pros, cons and risks of the six most common alternative funding sources for early-stage startups.

Starting a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Advice About Your Business From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get free business advice during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 3/14/24 at 2 PM ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.

Money & Finance

How to Know If Your Business Is Profitable This Very Second

It's important to periodically take stock of your business status, but don't wait until the end of the quarter or Tax Day to know. Too many decisions you need to make depend on your profitability. Here are things you should be doing regularly so that when you need to know where you stand, you know.